
the good, the bad, and the ugly

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

5 Signs of a Top Worship Team

1. Skill & Character Get Top Billing

2. Willing to confront people when necessary for greater good.

2. Great relationship with leadership

3. Sense of Identity

4. Want to serve people & honor leaders, but willing to put God first

5. Value God's presence; despise trends, fads, and performance

7. Exceptional players are treated the same as everyone else

8. Capable of spontenaety.

9. Understanding of prophetic playing and its role in worship, and how music intersects.

10. Understanding of prayer as a worship model

Some Characteristics of Outstanding Church Leadership

20% or more of the congregation is on the ministry team
25% of the congregation travels 30 minutes or more to the church
Tithing and giving is mentioned fairly often from the pulpit without apology
Leadership has a history of a decade or more... possible former ministry rivalries
Senior Leadership regularly expresses appreciation to leadership, and generously anticipates their workloads, fatigue, and morale issues.
Leadership routinely blesses out other leaders to help the larger body of Christ.
Leaders model a culture of blessing and encouragement.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Overview of Possible Subjects in this blog:

Visiting - Pro's & Con's
The Web Site
The Worship Team

What is Church-O-Rama

Church - O - Rama is a place where a long-time X'er ministry enthusiast constructively recounts the good, bad, and exceedingly ugly of modern "Churchianity".

Who Died and Made You a Church Expert

In short, nobody. But this is my blog! Anyhow I bear the huge blessing and hidden liability of having been part of what I consider an unusually relevant spiritual environment in the past. I suppose part of spiritual maturity may involve the process of moving somewhere else. This happened to me a couple years ago when I moved to resuscitate my career via graduate school. Since then I have had a radical shift - from Receiving to Giving without having too much access to good receiving. Again this is part of the process but it has been tough.

Who Would Benefit From Such Ramblings
These blogs may be of use to anyone in church leadership who are interested in perspectives. I will share my perceptions of a bunch of stuff and give support for my positions on occasions.